Saturday, April 9, 2016

Relay for Life 2016

Today our family participated in Relay for Life-Pulaski.  I've participated before when I worked at the bank but this was our first time having our own team.  It was an emotional, but good, day.  So many people who have been touched by cancer in some way or another coming together. 
 The theme this year was, "Life is a Puzzle." 
 Sarah's class did a beautiful job decorating these puzzle pieces for us!  I gathered some lung cancer facts and Sarah attached them to the puzzle pieces. 
 Why do we relay?
 Our team name was "Make Mom Proud."  My dad saw this sign in the mall in Green Bay a while back and sent a picture to my sister and I.  I wanted one for myself since that is my motto for this year and my sister stopped by Thursday night and had went and bought it for me.  It was perfect for our table today. 
 The gift baskets Sarah & I made for the raffles. 

 I love this picture. 
 Our group cheering on the survivors who completed the first lap around the track this morning. 
 Bounce house fun. 
 And tattoos:)
 Coloring, necklace making, and nail painting-oh my!
 Our team dancing:)
 Puzzle race
 Kaci and Brian walking the track.  The goal is to have at least one person from each team walking the track at all times.  A few from our team wore various step trackers today and were close to 20,000 steps!
 Elsa even made an appearance and the little ones were in awe!  Wyatt said she was his girlfriend:)  He asked to watch Frozen when we got home. 
 Madi got a cool purple hair extension.
 The luminary Papa & Grace made together.  They line the track with these and the ceremony for "lighting" them was very touching.  Everyone was given a glow stick and they read off reasons why you relay; survivor, caregiver, for parent, spouse, child, etc. When your "reason" was read you were to crack your glow stick so it would light up and then hold it up.  Hearing all the "pops" around the gym you just realize how many people are affected and know your pain.  Afterwards you could go put them in one of the luminaries.  Mom's bag was very well lit.


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