Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Easter 2016

We're still here!  Just haven't had much of anything exciting going on (and very little motivation to update).  I was very bad about taking pictures this year on Easter itself.  We ended up having a snow day the Thursday before Good Friday-yuck!  The funny thing is, they name our winter snowstorms here and this one happened to be winter storm Cindy.  We decided Grandma had a hand in giving us an extra day of spring break.  We were able to have some fun the day before Easter at the "ExtravaganZoo" and an Easter Egg hunt at the hotel that opened here recently.  Easter was a hard day.  Easter was the last holiday we spent with my mom.  She was dearly missed as she is every day.  We spent the day at my brother and sis-in-law's house and had so much yummy food. 
 The Reed monsters
 Double trouble
 My little man
 My most favorite people
 Crazy Grace

 Wyatt with the soon-to-be newlyweds

 What a kid
 Madi's customary picture.  We have a picture of her with the Bear from every trip to the zoo. 

 Hunny Bunny
 This is my favorite picture:)
 Beautiful Easter Lily from my dad.  I put it in my room next to my "mom table."  It smells so good. 

 My miserable attempts at pictures on Easter morning.  I'm not sure what happened?


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