Monday, August 5, 2013

Where do the days go?

I just don't know where the days, weeks, and even the last month have gone.  July was a complete blur!  I am enjoying my time home with the kids so much and dread the day I have to go back to work.  Although, apparently Grace is ready for me to go back to work as today she asked me, "Mommy, when do you have to go back to work?"  I told her not for a while and asked her why, did she want me to go back to work.  Unfortunately she gave me the answer I was hoping she wouldn't give; she said, "yes, I want mama to babysit me."  Mama is her name for Grandma.  I can't blame her for that, Grandma is pretty great:) 

This past weekend we celebrated Wyatt's baptism.  It was such a beautiful day.  He was a perfect angel all day long, the weather was beautiful, and we got to celebrate with our families; it just doesn't get much better.  Here are a few pictures of what we've been up to the last couple weeks, enjoy!
Swimming in their undies with their cousins at Grandpa & Grandma Reed's house
 Growing, and growing, and growing and getting cuter, and cuter, and cuter by the day!
 Being silly sisters.
 Prettiest blue eyes ever!
 Little man's baptism.

 Auntie Kaci and Brian loving on Wyatt
 Cousin Jack enjoying some jello:)
 Grace and Papa swinging
 Godmother Kaci admiring this sweet little boy
 Wyatt and his Godfather, Uncle Doug

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