Friday, August 30, 2013

The Kiddos

Here's a picture of each kiddo all doing what they do best:)

 Madi being her beautiful, studious, self:)  Went to her school open house on Wednesday and met her teacher, this is her at her desk.  Can't believe this girl is a 1st grader!!!
 Crazy fashionista, Grace.  She called me in to help her wipe and this is how I found her sitting on the toilet. 
Our 2 month old little man!    He was a very sad little guy on Wednesday when he had to get 4 shots and 1 oral immunization.  He seems to be back to his happy little self!  He weighs 13lbs 11oz and is 24 1/2 in long now!  He gained almost 4 pounds and grew 3 1/2 in since he was born!
 Hanging out with mommy:)
Playing with Daddy

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