Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Introducing Wyatt John Reed

It seems like forever since I last posted and obviously I missed posting week 38 and week 39.  Week 38 was pure lack of motivation to do so but I had a pretty good reason for missing week 39...we were in the hospital with our brand new little guy!  Unfortunately we don't have many pictures of his very first moments because he was whisked away from us pretty quickly.  It was a pretty rough entrance into the world and he was having some trouble breathing.  We couldn't love this little guy more! 
Wyatt John Reed
Born June 29, 2013 at 4:40pm
9lbs. 15 oz. 21 in. long
 So happy to finally have him here!
Madi loves her baby brother so much and is soooo good with him!
Papa and Uncle Doug admiring Wyatt; the first words from my mouth were that he looks like my dad...Wyatt most definitely looks like a Hoverson:)
Finally ready to go home!
Just got home and already lounging in the recliner with Daddy
Daddy and all his kiddos
First family picture as a family of 5!
This is our little stinker very shortly after he was born.  The nurses put him on the scale and he grabbed the side and proceeded to try and roll himself over!  He is a very strong little guy!  He literally "tipped" the scale at 9lbs. 15oz. The nurses joked that he had peed and pooped before they got his weight and that he would've been a 10 pounder had they weighed him sooner:)
Wyatt's Story
I think I can safely say that I was in labor with Wyatt for days.  I went to the Dr. the Wednesday before he was born and was still dilated to a 3, just as I was the week before.  My Dr. and I talked about inducing me at 39 weeks due to Wyatt's size.  June 30th would've been 39 weeks so we were scheduled to go in the morning of the 30th to be induced.  I went to work on Thursday and we decided that I would play Friday by ear far as going into work.  Early Friday morning I woke up and was having some pretty regular contractions, about 10 minutes apart.  This continued for a while then the contractions stopped but I had terrible back pain all day.  I decided to stay home from work so we just took it easy on Friday and Dave came home early from work.  Later in the evening I thought my water had broken so we called the dr. and went to the hospital.  Turns out my water had not broken and we were sent home and told that we should wait until contractions were 5 minutes apart or I was positive my water had broken.  We told them that I was Strep B positive and that's part of the reason we wanted to make sure I made it to the hospital in plenty of time; I need two doses of an antibiotic before the baby comes or there is a chance the baby will become infected as well which can be serious for infants.  Still.....we went home. 
Fast forward to Saturday morning.  We got up and the girls and I went and got donuts from the bakery for breakfast.  I washed all the bedding and rugs and started cleaning the house.  We got all the beds re-made and all along I had been feeling pretty crummy.  Finally shortly after noon I went and laid down in our bed.  Dave asked if I could time the contractions I was having but I told him it was just too hard; it felt like I was having just one big one all day long.  Finally, around 2:15 I had a REALLY bad contraction and told Dave it was time to go...NOW.  He called my parents and my dad made a very quick trip to our house to gather up the girls.  We made the fastest trip to Green Bay we'd ever made with me crying in the passenger seat saying, "we're not going to make it," and got to the hospital shortly before 3:00. 
When we got to the hospital they asked if we were the ones who had been there the night before; I think they thought we were crying wolf again:)  I assured them that we weren't joking this time.  Just to be sure though they did not put us in the room we would deliver and stay in.  They got me hooked up to some monitors and checked to see how dilated I was.  They figured out pretty quick that I was not joking and was already dilated to a 7.  The nurse warned us that things were going to happen very quickly from here and there would be lots of people coming in.  They wheeled my bed down the hall to the delivery room and lots of people were in and out setting up for Wyatt's birth.  I joked with our nurse saying, "I guess I'm not getting an epidural this time."  She verified that we were a little late for that:)  By the time my dr. got to the hospital and to my room she checked and I was already 10cm; we were ready to go!  I continued having strong contractions, she broke my water, and I started pushing.  Everything was going well until Wyatt's shoulder got stuck and his heart rate started dropping.  All the nurses jumped into action and pushed Dave to the side.  One nurse got on top of my bed and began pushing on the left side of my stomach; pushing Wyatt's shoulder into place.  After a couple more big pushes our little man was born at 4:40pm, just two hours after we left home! 
 I got to hold Wyatt just for a split second after he was born and the nurses quickly took him and started to get some of the fluid out of his lungs and gave him a little oxygen to help him regulate his breathing.  It was pretty scary at first but we were so happy to finally have our little boy here!
We ended up being in the hospital until Monday night as they wanted to monitor Wyatt for 48 hours since I had only gotten 1 dose of the antibiotic I needed before he was born.  They were also monitoring his blood sugar which was running low and some shaking he had which they were referring to as tremors. It was a pretty nerve racking couple of days with lots of pokes for our little guy and worry for Mommy and Daddy.  Poor little guy even had to have a chest x-ray to make sure everything looked good there.  Finally on Monday night the dr. who had been monitoring Wyatt said his blood sugars had stabilized enough and that we could go home. 
We are all adjusting very well to being a family of 5.  The girls LOVE their baby brother and Wyatt is such a good baby.  During the day he usually is awake for 3 hours then sleeps for 3 hours and repeats:)  I'll probably jinx myself here but he has slept through the night for the last 3 nights...I could get used to this!  A couple funny things...after he was born both girls came in and were a little surprised that my stomach was not totally back to normal:)  Madi told me that maybe if I go #2 a couple times that it would help my stomach get smaller; if it were only that easy my dear:)  Grace said maybe I have a girl baby in there now, I don't think so:)

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