Monday, July 22, 2013

3 Weeks?

Could it possibly be that my sweet little man is 3 weeks old already?  Just as his birth was a whirlwind experience, it seems like the past 3 weeks have gone just as quickly.  We are adjusting very well to being a family of 5 and having a little guy in our house; I think we've all been peed on except for Madi, we haven't had much experience changing little guy diapers:)  Wyatt is the perfect little man and Dave and I have already talked about how we can't imagine our life without him.  Here's a little bit of what we've been up to the last 3 weeks. 
Taking naps:)
Taking baths (and not liking it much!)
Getting lots of love from big sisters

 Playing with trucks
 Dressing ourselves:)
 Being a typical man already (he put his hand there by himself)
Having fun at the Polka Days parade in Pulaski
Doing the polka during the parade

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