Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Minivan Express

Friday night we took the girls for a ride on the "Minivan Express."  I found this idea on Pinterest (shocker, I know!)  and it sounded like too much fun not do to it!  We started out the night with Daddy bringing home pizza for dinner then watching the movie, The Polar Express.  The girls knew we were planning a "suprise" but didn't have a clue that the movie had anything to do with it.  After the movie we told them to go in their rooms and get their pajamas from on their beds; when they got to their pajamas, they also found their ticket to the Minivan Express.  They got their pj's on and I made popcorn and hot chocolate for the ride and we headed to the van where the conductor, Daddy, punched their tickets and loaded them up:)  We drove around town, listening to Christmas music, enjoying our popcorn and hot chocolate, and looking at all the beautiful Christmas lights.  It was such a fun night:) 
 The tickets!
 Madi's ticket
 Grace's ticket
 My girls ready for our adventure!
 The "conductor" punching their tickets
 Grace with ticket & popcorn in hand
 Madi enjoying her popcorn & hot chocolate!

Like I said, I got this idea from Pinterest, via , thanks for a great idea!

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