Monday, June 18, 2012

Two months??

It was brought to my attention today that perhaps it's been a while since I've posted anything on this little blog of ours.  I guess it's time to share what we've been up to since April! 
 Madi had her last day of school on June 5th although it seems like technically they were done a week before with pajama day, beach day, hat day and a trip to the park.  Grace wanted to join in on pajama day:)  Can't believe my baby is offically a Kindergartener! 
 We created our "Summer Bucket List" of things we want to to this summer.  We always go through summer and at the end wonder what in the heck we did and where the summer went.  We are slowly but surely crossing things off our list but it's crazy how fast summer is going already!  One of the bucket list items is to blog about the things on our list as we cross them off, that one will need some work! 
We went to our cute little nephew's 3rd birthday party.  We had such a fun time and, as always, it's so much fun to let the cousins play together. 
And finally, the big news in our house is that Madi FINALLY lost her 1st tooth on June 10th!  It has been hanging by a thread forever and it finally fell out!  She was drinking milk one day and put her cup down and said, "my tooth, it's gone!"  The tooth fairy brought her a whopping $3:) 

We (meaning mostly Dave!) have been busy crossing items off of my honey do list.  In the last few weeks we have painted the hallway, bathroom, made a new firepit and a new sandbox for the girls.  I think now we can finally sit back, relax, and enjoy all the fun things we've worked on in the yard. 

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