Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Gracie meeting Papa
Madi with Papa
Me and my Daddy almost 5 years ago
Our little ladies and their Daddy-we are some lucky girls

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there but especially to the great dads in our family. I have had the privelege of having the most amazing dad a girl could ask for. I remember taking trips to "Disney Land" with my dad when I was little; these trips consisted of just sitting in the car and pretending or making a trip to the dump. He is an amazing guy and I love him so much and so do my girls, they both are Papa's girls. I wish he could be home on Father's Day but he's in Texas working. We love you dad! Also wishing my hubby a very happy Father's Day, our girls are lucky to have you and so am I!


Grace- 1 day shy of 5 months
Madi-4 days shy of 6 months

I was taking a picture of Grace after her bath tonight and remembered that I had a picture of Madi with the same towel on. It is so fun to compare their pictures at similar ages. Madi's cheeks are quite a bit rounder than Ms. Gracies. I don't think either of them could be any cuter:) I know it's been a while since I last updated, working part time has proven so far not to give me as much "free time" as I expected. I am enjoying it though and actually just got back from a week long training 2 1/2 hours away from home:( Dave and the girls decided mid week to come up and visit me, I was missing my babies something fierce. We had a good time while they were there, spent some time in the water park and just enjoying eachother. Boy am I glad to be home and back in my own bed though.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Farm livin' is the life for me

Me & my babies and Grace enjoying her favorite dairy product in honor of dairy month

Madi in the tractor tire

Mmmm, nice face Madi

Family shot; again, nice face Madi

Mmm, toes!

What a busy weekend it's been! Saturday we went to an arena football game which I fogot to take my camera to:( It was tons of fun and Madi had a great time, so much so that she actually slept all night long! Sunday we headed to breakfast on the farm which is where the above pictures are from (minus the one of Grace munching on her toes). From there we headed to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate Madi sleeping in her own bed all night and hoping it would encourage more consecutive nights of the same; so far, no luck there. The new job is going very well and it's great to be at home more, I am loving that. Next week I will be gone Monday-Friday for training. It is going to be so hard to leave the girls but I know they will be in good hands. The longest I've ever been away from Madi is two days so this is going to be a major challenge but I hope I will come back and we will all appreciate eachother that much more:)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Don't fence me in...on second thought, please do!

Enjoying our newly fenced backyard with a bonfire!
View of the finished product from the back corner of the yard, we LOVE it
Gracie so tired from all the excitement fell asleep with her foot in her hand

Putting up the first pickets on the fence

My mom and Kaci pitching in, nobody would believe Kaci would have really done this unless I took a picture for proof:) Just kidding little sis!

Cutie pie Carter

Putting up 2x4s
We had a great Memorial Day weekend even though it was mostly spent working on our fence. It was a TON of work for the guys but we absolutely LOVE it. We can't thank everyone enough for helping us with the fence, we couldn't have done it without you! It was great spending some time with family and eating too much yummy food! Can't wait to enjoy our backyard for the rest of the summer!