Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The House Saga Continues...

Well, we've had our house for sale for over a year now and it's been a LONG, frustrating process to say the least. We've finally had some "movement" so we're excited but also don't want to get our hopes up too much. Here's the story...after a over a year of having our house on the market someone has made an offer on it...for the full asking price!!! Like I said, we're excited, but there's more to the story as there always is:) A single, retired, Green Bay firefighter came to look at our house a couple weeks ago and really liked it. It's close to his brother's house, has a HUGE garage and my decorating touches, what's not to love right! Well, all is well and good except he just got divorced and has a house to sell in Florida so half of his money goes to his ex-wife and with his half he has to pay half of their mortgage so there's not alot of money left over. So now it's a waiting game again, waiting for him to sell his house in Florida or for someone to give him financing for our house even with his house in Florida. We had a call from our realtor and she said it's looking hopeful for him getting financing for BOTH houses which is great for us and we could close on our house as soon as the end of September. So, please keep us in your prayers, we need all the help we can get! I'll keep everyone posted as the saga continues.

Dave & I the day we bought our house, July 8, 2005.

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