Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Daddy and Madi's Adventures

Sick of waiting to get to Bay Beach...Mommy had too many errands for us to run!
Daddy and Madi
First time on the Ferris Wheel, looking a little nervous and biting her lip just like Mommy does.
This is fun Daddy!
Cute little princess!
Daddy took the day off to spend with Madi since our babysitters, "Ga" and "Papa," are gone on vacation. I took a half day last Thursday and brought Madi to work with me for the morning. Well, our "morning" at work turned in to an hour or so at work when Madi had a meltdown in "KidsKorner." I was upstairs working and Madi was at the childcare here at the Y (which I might add is downstairs) and I could actually hear her screaming. Needless to say, we came home early! So, we learned that Madi can't go to work with Mommy so today Daddy got to babysit. I just got a call from Dave asking me to tell Madi to take a nap:) I think he's realizing how much work Madisyn really is! They've had a fun filled day of eating out for breakfast (for a total of $8, tip included...Dave was to happy about this), a Wal-Mart trip, taking cans to the recycler, Bay Beach and now they're off to Great Grandma and Grandpa Reed's house where I will join them later. We're looking forward to spending some time with Great Grandma and Grandpa and Grandma has offered to make us dinner tonight, what a great treat! The moral of the story is...we're all excited for "Ga and Papa" to get home tonight!!!

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

These pictures are adorable!! I cherished the extra days of babysitting for our Sweetheart!

Love, Mom/Grandma Reed