Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mother's Day

We had such a nice Mother's Day weekend.  Saturday I did the "Run for your Mother" 5k while Dave and the kids were off doing story time and top secret Mother's Day stuff.  It was a good run and I improved my time by 2 minutes from last year.  I got home before them and was able to get most of the house cleaned before they came in bearing some wonderful surprises!

Sunday we had a lazy morning then brought everything over to my mom and dad's house for our own big salad bar.  We had a nice day and I am ever so thankful for the woman I am blessed to call my mom.  She is my best friend and I love her with all my heart.
 Grandpa & Grandma with cutest twins around
 Papa and Gracie bug
 Hattie working on finding a Father's Day present for her Daddy
 Hannah and Hattie worked very hard on their Mommy's Mother's Day gift.....there may have even been a few tears shed on Hannah's part (she HATES having her foot pressed in anything, paint, cement, it doesn't matter)  Mommy was happy with their hard work though:)

Then there's this picture; it cracks me up.  Poor Hannah just got hit by her sister and Hattie was proud of herself.  What a stinker!

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