Saturday, January 31, 2015

We're Still Here

It's hard to believe it's been a month since I last posted anything.  Life just happened I guess.  We're  just trying to get everyone healthy and not having much luck; we haven't had a healthy week since going back to school after Christmas.  We've had the stomach bug, colds, fevers, coughs, and now I managed to get some version of pink eye:(  I will tell you that having your eye swabbed is not comfortable!  Here's what we've been up to....
*Story time
*Celebrated my mom's birthday
*Meeting for Madi's 1st Communion
*Picked up Dave's parents from the airport
*Celebrated Grace's 5th Birthday with a Frozen theme birthday party
*Watched the Packers lose:( 
*Took Dave's parents back to the airport
*Grace turned 5 and picked McDonalds for her birthday dinner!
*Well checks at the Dr. for the girls
*Madi's 1st Reconciliation
*Soccer registration for both girls
*Dave & I completed our AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge and had some pretty awesome results. 
*And we were able to fit in sickness between it all, go us!

 Grandma Hoverson never disappoints!  We asked Grace, after her party, what the best part about her birthday was.  She told us it was her cake:)

 We played, "Do you want to build a snowman" by having the kids wrap each other in toiled paper:)

 Everyone must know Grace loves her fruit snacks since she got several boxes!

 Kaci was the child tamer


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