Saturday, January 31, 2015

We're Still Here

It's hard to believe it's been a month since I last posted anything.  Life just happened I guess.  We're  just trying to get everyone healthy and not having much luck; we haven't had a healthy week since going back to school after Christmas.  We've had the stomach bug, colds, fevers, coughs, and now I managed to get some version of pink eye:(  I will tell you that having your eye swabbed is not comfortable!  Here's what we've been up to....
*Story time
*Celebrated my mom's birthday
*Meeting for Madi's 1st Communion
*Picked up Dave's parents from the airport
*Celebrated Grace's 5th Birthday with a Frozen theme birthday party
*Watched the Packers lose:( 
*Took Dave's parents back to the airport
*Grace turned 5 and picked McDonalds for her birthday dinner!
*Well checks at the Dr. for the girls
*Madi's 1st Reconciliation
*Soccer registration for both girls
*Dave & I completed our AdvoCare 24-Day Challenge and had some pretty awesome results. 
*And we were able to fit in sickness between it all, go us!

 Grandma Hoverson never disappoints!  We asked Grace, after her party, what the best part about her birthday was.  She told us it was her cake:)

 We played, "Do you want to build a snowman" by having the kids wrap each other in toiled paper:)

 Everyone must know Grace loves her fruit snacks since she got several boxes!

 Kaci was the child tamer


Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Adventure in 2015

I was going to wait and mention Dave and my new venture until after we've completed our 24-Day Challenge but decided it would help keep us accountable as well as put in a little plug for us:)  A friend of mine from high school started selling AdvoCare products about a year and a half ago.  She, as well as several other people I knew personally, had a lot of success with weight loss using some of the products and raved about how great they were feeling on them (more energy, etc).  I'd been curious for a long time but didn't want to spend the money and always thought it was silly; I could surely lose the weight on my own if I really set my mind to it. 

Well.....turns out I kept losing and re-gaining the same 5-10 pounds over and over.  It's been an emotional roller coaster ride since the summer of 2012 and I've used it as an excuse.  My curiosity finally got the best of me and I contacted my friend to get a little more information on AdvoCare , particularly the 24-Day Challenge.  She called me on Tuesday and we talked about the products as well as becoming a distributor to get a discount on the products.  I told her I wanted to talk it all over with Dave and I would let her know. 

I was still on the fence but knew I needed to do something to give me a little jump start, build some confidence, and help me feel comfortable in my skin again.  I told Dave all about the details of the phone call with my friend (he took the kids for lunch while I was on the phone so there would be no distractions:) and even shed a few tears when I was telling him; I was embarrassed that I was actually considering paying for something that could potentially help me lose weight.  Of course he fully supported me and told me to go for it and that he had no problem with me spending the money.  We talked about becoming a distributor, which I wasn't sold on.  Dave, being the business man that he is, broke down the numbers and decided there really no reason not to become a distributor.  Then he said, "why don't you order both of us the 24-Day Challenge."  Though he has successfully lost 50+ pounds on his own, his thinking was that we both complete the challenge, have good results, and have two success stories to help promote AdvoCare and help others have the same success. 

So, we went for it!  We signed up to be distributors and ordered the products for the 24-Day Challenge, starting January 7th.  We are really excited for the challenge and hope to share our success story/pictures at the end of the month.  If you'd like to see what it's all about or see what AdvoCare has to offer, feel free to visit our website,

The Reeds Ring in the New Year

 Queen Elsa was at the Green Bay Children's Museum to help ring in the "New Year" (they had ball drops at 11am, 12pm, and 1pm:)  Elsa was there for the 11:00 ball drop so of course that's when we had to be there! 
 Grace having fun on stage
 Madi had to think long and hard about her Happy New Year Interview
 Wy climbed in to these little cubbies and gave all the kids around him the idea to do the same; pretty soon they were full of kids. 
 Popping in the New Year with a bubble wrap stomp.
 Grace was super excited to dance up on stage with Elsa!

 Chef Madisyn playing in the restaurant at the Children's Museum
 Daddy and Wy admiring the fake fish they caught
 This guy would play in the water all day long
 Daddy, am I big enough to play for the Packers yet???
Lambeau Leaping
 Swimming fun at the hotel
 My little fish
 Oh how I love this little boy!
 He is sooo his Daddy's boy
 Gracie girl had a blast

 Wyatt is like Grace's shadow these days.  He wants to do everything she does and will just follow her around.  It's so sweet. 
We had such a fun time ringing in 2015 but it's time to go home:(
Dave and I surprised the kids with a fun day/night in Green Bay on New Year's Eve.  Our first stop was at the Children's Museum where they were having a kid's New Year's party.  It was CRAZY busy but still a great time.  We did a little shopping and out for lunch then headed to our hotel for a night of swimming.  We made it until 11:00 and celebrated New Year with New York City:)  Grace and Wyatt were already asleep but Madi stayed up with us.  It was such a fun way to celebrate and plan on making it a yearly tradition.