Monday, June 30, 2014

Start of Summer

Thanks to my brother-in-law I can finally update our blog, complete with pictures!  My computer hasn't been cooperating but he helped get that issue figured out today, Thanks Paul:)  I can't believe it's almost July already, where is the summer going???  Madi finished her 1st grade year on June 11th and she and Grace have been in summer school the last two weeks.  Madi did swimming lessons, sewing, and a science experiment class in summer school and Grace did intro to 4K.  Of course Madi loved every minute of it (she is the child who cried on the last day of school because she loves school so much) but Grace isn't so sure about this whole school thing, she'd much rather stay home and hang with Mom:)  On her second to last day of summer school she said, "yes, tomorrow is my last day!."  We've been staying busy; I told Dave that I feel busier now than I was when I was working...not sure how that works:)  Here is our month in pictures, minus pictures from a baseball game we went to and breakfast on the farm, both of which we didn't have the camera for. 
 Grace in action at soccer.  Soccer may not be her sport:)
 We always bring quite a crowd to the girls' games!
 Madi showing her stuff; this girl is GOOD!
 Kaci and I took all the kids to the zoo one day.  It went great until it was time to fold up the twins' stroller.  I have never felt so dumb in my life:)
 How beautiful is this little muffin.  Hattie was asleep:)
 The girls on their first day of summer school. 
 83 water balloons waiting for the girls when they got home from the first day of summer school:)
 Happy little man
 This pretty much sums up my kids; Madi helping nicely with Wyatt and Grace tormenting them!
 The girls in action
 My little stunt man, he was soooooo proud of himself!
 Happy (sleepy) campers
 This boy LOVED everything about camping!
 Me making breakfast
 Tough guy
 My little bookworm reading around the campfire
 Like father like son!
The end of a successful camping trip:)

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