Monday, May 12, 2014

Playing Catch-Up

I guess it's time to do a little catching up on this sorely neglected little blog of ours  We've been busy; with babies, changing diapers, planning a 30th birthday party, turkey hunting, having a rummage sale, Mother's Day, and just life in general, really.  Here are a few pictures of this past weekend.  It as a BEAUTIFUL weekend, I just wish it could've lasted a bit longer! 

 My sister and I did the 5K "Run for your Mother" Saturday morning and the girls did the kids, 1/8th mile race.
 Madi finishing strong:)
 Gracie coming across the finish line!
 Kaci and I crossing the finish line.
 Some of the decorations for Dave's 30th birthday.  His love of beer started at a very young age:)  We know Grandpa Reed (in the picture with little David) was smiling down on us Saturday!
 Cake and goodies table.

 Party favors

The birthday boy:)  Wheelbarrows were filled with all the drinks

 Happy Wyatt with Auntie Erin
 Wy and Grandma Reed
 Trying to steal a drink of Daddys beer!
 Ok, is she just not the cutest little thing EVER! (Hattie)
 Oh wait, another one!  Two of the cutest little girls EVER! (Hannah)
 Dave and his cake made by my mom.
And lucky me, with two of my babies, on Mother's Day.  They made me the beautiful cakes they are holding. 

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