Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A camping we will go

This past weekend we embarked on our first family camping adventure.  The fall colors were beautiful and the weather was perfect!  We decided it would be our first trip of many:)
 Snuggling by the campfire with my favorite little man
 Our cute nephew, Jack David
 Family shot
 Cutest little 3 month old boy EVER:) So sweet with his little hands by his face
 I love this picture of my boys
 Happy Grace face
 Pretty Madi on the beach

 So happy!
 Cousins!  It's not often we have pictures of all of them looking at the camera!
 Look at that crooked little grin
 If only Grace would've been looking at the camera...such pretty girls
 Action shot of Grace falling off of the railing, what a girl she is
 Dave so happy with his camp coffee pot
Cousins eating lunch

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