Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sweet Madisyn

Madi is home sick from school today and the poor little thing just got teary-eyed and said, "I bet Paige doesn't have anyone to play with at recess today."  Such a kind hearted little girl, always worrying about others.  She also said she hopes she feels better tomorrow because it's gym day and she thought maybe the kids had "wished her well" today (a little song the kids sing for the other kids who are gone from school, "We wish you well, we wish you well; all through the day today, we wish you well.")  She is getting alot of rest and has managed to keep some Powerade and water down for a couple hours now and is talking a little more so I am hoping she is feeling better soon!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Grace's Prayers

Grace came up to me this morning and said, "my want to say my prayers."  If you listen closely, you can make out, "now my lay me down to sleep," "guide me through the night," and "amen."  What a precious gift I have been given:)

Also, if you are checking our blog for updates on my mom, please go to...
We will be using this site for updates on mom who, by the way, is HOME!!!  She looks amazing, as usual; never in a million years would you know that she just had the major surgery she did on Friday. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

We always knew we were lucky...

This is an e-mail we received from Madisyn's teacher today; so proud of our little girl! 

Just wanted to email you and let you know that Madi had a wonderful day today. She is such a good helper. She helped push in chairs, picked up other friend's toys and supplies, and made great choices. I'm so proud of her and happy she is in my class. You are lucky to have such a sweet girl! :)
Have a great night.
Go Pack Go!
Jill M. Rosenthal
Kindergarten Teacher
Glenbrook Elementary School
Pulaski Community School District

For "Mama", From Gracie

Caring Bridge


In additon to keeping this blog updated, I, along with my brother and sister, will be updating the Caring Bridge we have created for mom.  Here you will be able to sign a guestbook, upload photos, etc.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Please Continue to Pray

We would like to thank everyone for your continued thoughts and prayers for my mom and for our family.  We received some "good news" today in that the cancer was caught early and has not spread to other areas of her body.  They are not saying what stage the cancer is until after they go in and see if it is in the lymph nodes as well.  It looks like mom will have surgery on Friday to remove the spot and although it will be a long surgery and recovery for her, we know with the help of your prayers she will get through this.  The Dr. said she would likely be in the hospital for a week after the surgery and there is the possibility of chemo after surgery, but only time will tell.  Please continue to pray for my amazing mom. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life with Madisyn

Mom:  "Madisyn, get dressed."
Madisyn:  "I am, I'm just doing a show while I'm taking my pajamas off."

Fabulous, I'm raising a stripper.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Kindergarten

First Day of School
I wonder what you're doing right now and if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person, a nice friend that you can find.
I wonder if the teacher know just how special you are to me.
And if the brightness of your heart is something she can see.
I wonder if you are thinking about me and if you need a hug.
I already miss the sound of your voice and how you give my leg a tug.
I wonder if you could possibly understand how hard it is for me to let you grow.
On this day know that my heart breaks, for this is the first step in letting my baby go.
Madi had her first day of Kindergarten yesterday, September 4, 2012.  She said she loved it and wants to go back again and again and again.  There were no tears from her going into school but it sure was sad for me watching her walk through those doors.  My house is too quiet with her not here;  I'm happy that she likes school, I just miss my baby:(

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Madi's First Packer Game

I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of Madi and the date she got to go on with her dad this past week. On August 30th, Dave took Madi to her first Packer Game and to dinner at McDonalds! Madi (and daddy) had a great time:)
Me to Madi:  "What was your favorite part of the game?"
Madi:  "the big planes going over"
(I will admit, this is one of my favorite parts too, when the jets fly over the stadium at the start of each game-pretty amazing for big people and little people too I guess!)
Grandma to Madi:  "Did you help the Packers win?"
Madi:  "I don't know if they won."
Grandma:  "Did you stay until the end of the game?"
Madi:  "I don't know."
Grandma: "What did you buy with the money I gave you for a treat."
Madi:  "Popcorn and water."
So, as you can see she may not have paid all that much attention to the game but she was very attentive to the treats available at the game:)  Dave said she also thought "the wave" was pretty cool:)