Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The little things.....

This morning on my way to drop the girls off at my mom's I passed my brother as he was headed into town for work and, as usual, we waved. This morning though, it suddenly struck me how amazingly blessed I am to live nearby my family. I love that oftentimes I do get to wave to my baby brother or my fabulous sister-in-law on their way to work. I love that we live less than a minute away from my brother & sister-in-law and only about 5 minutes from my mom & dad and could be there for eachother in the blink of an eye. I love that most Sunday afternoons and at least one night each week we share a meal together. I love that my brother moved here after I did and my mom, dad and sister followed...I can't imagine being away from any of them.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Brthday Granny

Happy Birthday Granny. Hard to believe that this was 6 years ago already. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I love this picture of you, you were laughing so hard. I miss you. I'm sure the celebration in Heaven will be beautiful. I love you so very much.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Never lose your sparkle

I saw this cute little saying and it made me think of my girls right away. They put on their pretty little Easter dresses the other day so I could attempt to take some pictures of them and Madi said, "I look beautiful in this dress." I hope she always feels beautiful and nobody ever takes their "sparkle" away!