Saturday, March 24, 2012

Relay for Life

What Cancer Cannot Do

Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot kill friendship.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot reduce eternal life.
It cannot quench the Spirit.

These two were proof of what cancer cannot do. I miss them both each and every day and they both took a piece of my heart with them when they left us. I was so very blessed to know both of them and to share some of my happiest times with them.

In loving memory

Grandpa & Grandma Reed

Lung Cancer

I will be participating in the Relay for Life, Pulaski on April 14, 2012. I am currently the #3 fundraiser out of 20 teams and 121 participants. Thank you to everyone who has donated to my team!

Monday, March 19, 2012


In the land of die-hard Green Bay Packer fans, we have failed to raise our daughter as such...tonight while watching Dancing with the Stars, Madisyn asked which one was Donald Driver, the boy or the girl...oops!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Who used the potty 8 times yesterday???

This little lady did! We are making progress!!!

Signs of Spring

Sprouts of green peeking through the dirt...
buds on the lilac bush...

clothes hanging from the clothesline....

and birthdays...all wonderful signs of spring!

(Spring in the Reed family is FULL of birthdays! Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law today! We enjoyed celebrating with you over the weekend!)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Easy Peasy

Madi was playing house this weekend with Grace, her cousin Carter, Grandma and me. I was a "visitor" to their house and Grandma, Grace & cousin Carter were a few of her kids, along with several dolls, making for a rather large family. Madi was chatting with me and she said, "I thought this would just be easy peasy," referring to being a mom to all of her kids. Believe me Madi dear, I's not always "easy peasy" being a mom but I wouldn't change it for the world:)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Life's A Circus

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well the look on Madi's face says it all; big eyes and mouth open wide, in total awe. Both girls had such a fun time at their first Circus!

(They man had just been shot from the cannon here!)

Madi on a pony ride, Grace was in front of us with Daddy!
This was one talented elephant, super cool!

Grace worn out from all the action; Ga taking care of her:)

Mom & Madi having fun at the circus-Thanks Mom for a GREAT night...we had so much fun!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The timeline of a snowday...

5:33am-Call from school...SCHOOL IS CANCELLED FOR THE DAY!!!
6:00am-Trying to get Grace (who came in our room at 4am) to go to sleep, power keeps going on and off making everything beep.
6:30am-Power goes out for good and Madi gets up, decides she has to play her DS in my bed because that's like the only thing she can do since the power is out!
7:00am-Decide to eat some breakfast, Grace doesn't understand why she can't have her french toast for breakfast, I explain that we can only have cereal because the power is out.

By 7:30am we have the playdough out and are making all sorts of wonderful creations and Grace is trying to eat it, shocker.

By 8:00am Madi is bored with playdough and decides to help Mommy with a very special project.
8:15am-Very special project is done and we are onto coloring & diary writing. Mommy is starting to worry because we are really burning through alot of activities and it's only 8:15!!! It could be a LONG day.

8:40am-Power is back on and all are happy at the Reed house; they snuggle in to watch one of their favorite shows!

And, our days wouldn't be complete without a little "monkey" business from Grace...yes, she is haging from the bars on the bunk bed making monkey noises...that's my girl!