Friday, September 30, 2011

Pumpkins Painting Pumpkins

My little artist Madi painted her pumpkin complete with a picture of Ga, her cat and Willie-not a good picture but I didn't want to expose the poor thing too much. We opted to save their shirts by taking them off before we started; as you will see from the next picture this proved to be a good decision. Case in point, Grace. More paint on her body than on the pumpkin and apparently she likes green.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Girl & Her Dog

Willie cuddling with Madisyn who is feeling sick today.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Age of Technology

We were down in the basement today and Madisyn saw our old computer monitor. She asked Dave, "is this your old t.v.?" Yes, it is a little on the huge side, but t.v. size?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love Lives On

Those we love remain with us

for love itself lives on,

And cherished memories never fade

because a loved one's gone...

Those we love can never be

more than a thought apart,

For as long as there is memory,

they'll live on in the heart.

We can't believe it's been a year since you left us. We love you and miss you more than anyone could ever imagine. Our hearts are still broken and tears still come often but we know you and Grandpa are looking down on us everyday. It's been hard lately, I just want to talk to you. You always understood some of my struggles and you were always there to give advice. Today Willie went to the vet to get a check-up and to be groomed because we know that would make you happy; you both spoiled him so much:) I am making roast, mashed potatoes, rolls, salad and corn on the cob for dinner tonight because that was a meal you always made so wonderfully and we enjoyed so many times with you. My mom is bringing an apple pie for dessert and although she swears she can't make the crust like you taught her, I'm sure it will be delicious. Know that we are thinking of you today, just as we do everyday. We love you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Could it really be???

No, you are not seeing things. Yes, this is my van, and yes, it is the ONLY car in the Chuck E Cheese parking lot. I had to take a picture knowing that it may never happen again.

P.S. We were at Chuck E Cheese today celebrating Madisyn FINALLY staying in her bed all night. She's been at it for about a week now and we are thrilled (and alot less tired!). It took a little tough love (or punishing) as Madi called it, but we finally broke her of her habit of coming in our room everynight. Grace also used the potty again last night so we had to celebrate that too! Hooray for my girls!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Maybe we should to go Minnesota.....

I went to pick up the girls from my mom's house today and while I was there Madi and my mom were playing barbies. Madi was the boy barbie, "Joe" and my mom was the girl barbie, "Barbie". The two decided that they would go on a date and Joe quickly asked Barbie to marry him. Barbie agreed because Joe was very rich:) They got married and Barbie told Joe that now they should go on a very expensive honeymoon. Joe quickly said, "maybe we should to to Minnesota." It wasn't Barbie's first choice but it made for a good laugh:)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

Our Goddaughter Callie Elizabeth Reed
Baptized September 18, 2011

Come One, Come All To The Greatest Show On Earth

She flies through the air with the greatest of ease-The Birthday Girl Madisyn
Madi's friends at her party-Brooke, Madi (and Willie), Jacob and Hailey

Grace and Uncle Doug enjoying the party

Madi's beautiful birthday cake created by Grandma Hoverson

Ice cold lemonade


Balloons up to heaven for Great Grandpa & Grandma Reed

and Great Grandpa and Granny Heiser

Saturday, September 10, 2011 we celebrated Madisyn's 5th Birthday. We celebrated circus style complete with popcorn, cotton candy, peanuts, corn dogs, jumbo pretzels, nachos, sno-cones and ice cold lemonade. It was a beautiful day spent with family and some of Madisyn's friends. Madisyn was spoiled with lots of fun toys, beautiful clothes, some money and a new bike from Ga & Papa. Thanks to all who helped us celebrate!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday to Madisyn

My Dear, Sweet Madisyn, where have the last 5 years gone? I still remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. I can't believe my little girl is 5! You are such a wonderful little girl; so beautiful, smart, funny, creative and such an amazing big sissy to Grace. You grew up in the blink of an eye and now you're in school and you played soccer and you are little miss independent as you always have been. I love you more than words can say and I hope this year is full of excitement because that's what you bring us everyday:) Happy Birthday to my little girl, I LOVE YOU!!!

I love you Granny

The warm and fuzzy memories that Grandma left behind are just what you'd expect from someone oh, so kind. The comfort and encouragement, the extra piece of pie, the special hugs and kisses make it hard to say "Goodbye." I'll always miss my Grandma for she meant the world to me, and so I'll always cherish every precious memory. And when she got to Heaven I know Jeuss felt the same; I'll bet that He was happy that my Grandma finally came.

In loving memory


April 13, 1930- September 1, 2011