Monday, March 28, 2011

Mommy's Little Helper

Grace likes to help me with many household chores; I use the term help very loosely. As you can see, she likes to help load/unload the dishwasher (if I'm loading, she's unloading). She also likes to help sweep the floors (walk through my piles) and fold the laundry (unfold what I've already folded). Grace also recently started helping with throwing things in the trash (sometimes she actually puts something that belongs in the garbage can, other times we find a toy in it!). My life would be so boring without her help though:)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Sittin' Pretty

So cute, all 3 of them:)
Yes, that is a hair tie on his ear:) Poor dog!

Our dog Bear is a saint. The girls can do ANYTHING to him and he just sits there, happy that they're playing with him. Today they decided it wold be a good idea for Bear to have some accessories:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our "Toy"let

This was my suprise when I went in to use the bathroom today.
This is the culprit-mad because she can't play in the bathroom.

Grace is OBSESSED with the toilet. 99% of the time the bathroom door is closed but I guess the little stinker snuck in at some point today. Never a dull moment at our house:)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The worst blogger of the year award goes to.....

Me! I wish I could say that there's been so much excitement in our lives that I just haven't had the time to sit down and write about it. Acutally, it's quite the opposite; it's the lack of excitement that has caused the major blogging lapse. Not alot has happened since Grace's 1st birthday which was the last time I posted anything but here are a few of the highlights:)
We watched the Superbowl with my mom who is the Steelers' biggest fan! It was a good game and all the talk for quite some time after.
Grace gets so exhausted that she has been falling asleep in random places, this is her latest nap spot. She has also fallen asleep in the bathroom while I was fixing my hair

Isn't she just the cutest kid you've ever seen? Madi & I went to Disney on Ice and had a great time. She was dressed up as Jasmine and in this picture is wearing the Flounder hat that came "complimentary" with her cotton candy:)

Other highlights:
*Madi is registered for 4 year old kindergarten & soccer:( My baby is getting so big!
* Grace had her 1 year old check up and she is such a little peanut compared to her big sis
Weight: 22lbs. 11 oz (Madi was 25 lbs. 6oz)

Some Madi funnies...
Madi-"Mom, let's pretend that I'm grown up."
Me-"Ok, how old are you?"
Madi-"I'm 8"

Me-"Madi what do you want to eat?"
Madi-"I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich with no peanut butter."
Madi comes into the bathroom where Grace & I are, I am fixing my hair, etc. and says,
"I wanted to come in here to get dressed so nobody could see me."
Me-"Well Grace and I are in here and we're the only other ones who are home."
Madi-"I know but Grace is too little, she doesn't understand me and you're just a mom."