Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to my sweet little Gracie

January 20, 2010-Our beautiful Grace Lori Reed
The very first moment I met you, at 1:23 pm, I cried tears of joy because God had given me another perfect little girl.
Happy Birthday angel girl!
Happy Birthday to my dear, sweet, little Grace. I love you more than words could ever say. I don't know how to put into words the joy that you give me everyday. You are a beautiful little soul; full of Grace and beauty. Your name, Grace Lori, is a perfect reflection of the little girl you are; though you are too little to remember your Grandma Great, you will know her and you will understand why you were named after her. She is with you everyday. Thank you for coming into our lives, I am so blessed to be your mommy and so thankful that God trusted me with you. I love you so much, Happy 1st Birthday Gracie!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Little Cupcake's 1st Birthday Party

Invitation for the party
Beautiful cake made by my mom
More treats made by Grandma!
Present time!!!
So pleased with her money, the kid made out like a bandit!
Cute hat, not so much...
The awesome diaper cake my sister-in-law made for Gracie
First contact with the cake, not sure at first but the first bite and she was convinced:)
Cousin Carter showing Grace how it's done
Madi having some cake!
They were right, this stuff is pretty good!
This weekend we celebrated our little cupcake's 1st birthday with our wonderful families. She is one lucky little girl to have so many people who lover her so much. Thanks to everyone who celebrated with us! Can't believe my baby is turning one this week, where did the time go???

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another Madi funny...continued

We were talking the other day at my mom's house and someone said that Grace was going to give Madi a run for her money. Madi replied with, "I'm gonna have a lot of money." She cracks me up sometimes:)

Yesterday Madi was playing Biggest Loser on the Wii and she told Grace, "Grace, it's not time to play, I'm workin' out."

Today Madi & Grace were playing and Madi told Grace that she had gotten a message and it said Grace was going to get married. She said, "first you have to get your dress, then your shoes, then you have to find a boyfriend and you can get married."