Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I told Madi she could stay up as late as she wanted tonight (great parenting, I know). I was in my room cleaning and came out to find her fast asleep in her color book:) What a sweetie she is!

I don't want to call any of these things resolutions because then I'd be more prone to break them, so I'll just stick with things:) In no particiular order...
1. Read more-I don't know the last time I actually finished a book that was not a kids book
2. Take time for me-I love my kids more than words can say but I need some me time
3. Take more time for Dave & I-we rarely go on dates, we hate leaving our girls:(
4. Lose those last few pounds before my brother's wedding
5. Spend more time talking with God and growing in my faith
6. Be more patient, especially when it comes to my kids
7. Give back in someway-I used to spend alot of time at the nursing home and I'd like to get back into that
8. DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF-the world will not end if the living room is not picked up every night before I go to bed

I'm looking forward to the New Year, 2010 was a year of a TON of change for us and I'm ready to slow down a bit. I can't wait for my brother's wedding, my sister's graduation (actually, I can wait, because it means she'll be going off to college:( and hopefully a trip to Evanston among other things:) Happy New Year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Grace likes older men...

Helping Grandpa open his Christmas presents
Of course her eyes aren't open but cute anyway:) They're good buddies:)
He's only 80 years older but she surely has a good eye, what a handsome guy he is:) Grace LOVES her Grandpa Great, tonight she quickly crawled to the door when he came over and climed up to say hi and each night when he leaves she always has a kiss for him.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Because it has eyelashes...

Madi was playing with one of her dolls and pretending that she was at the hospital because she had just had the baby. I asked her if her new baby was a boy or a girl and she looked at it and said, "a girl, because it has eyelashes." I guess boys don't have eyelashes:)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

God & Candy

Madisyn: "Mom, did God make everything?"
Me: "Yep."
Madisyn: "Did she make candy?"
Me: "Yep."
Madisyn: "Hmm, that's why it's so good."

Yes, Madi refers to God as she:)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Celebrating Monica...or should I say "Manukkah"

Who or what is Monica you're probably wondering??? I was equally confused until Madi gave us some insight. Tonight we were sitting at the dinner table and Madi started telling us about Monica and how Monica has candles. We listed and nodded, all while being super confused and wondering what the heck she was talking about. It all made sense when she finally said, "some people celebrate Monica." I asked her if she meant Hanukkah and she giggled and said yes, they had learned about it at school. Happy Manukkah:)