Friday, October 15, 2010

It's been a while...

Daddy and his girls.
Man do I love these two little cuties!

Grace is now climbing on EVERYTHING!
And standing!
Madi still LOVES school and started Sunday school as well, she just can't get enough of it:)

Hard to believe it's been almost a month since I last posted anything and even harder to believe that Grandma Reed has been gone for almost a month already. Doesn't seem like we've been up to much lately yet I always feel like we're busy. Dave started his new job on the 4th of October so he's been working some long days as he gets in the swing of things there. Madi is still loving school and looks forward to Tuesdays, Thursdays and now Sundays for Sunday school. Grace is our little wild child; she is so much different than Madi was. Grace is adventerous and gets into EVERYTHING and climbs on EVERYTHING. She keeps me on my toes big time. Next week she will be 9 months old!! We're looking forward to some fun Halloween activities coming up in the next couple weeks so more exciting posts will come then:)

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