Saturday, October 30, 2010

Zoo Boo & Pumpkins too!

Grace trying to eat her pumpkin (and anything else she can get her hands on!)
Goof ball, the kid WILL NOT leave her eyes open for a picture!
Daddy & Madi scooping out the "guts"
Waiting in line for the carousel
Dorothy and the not so Cowardly Lion
Our little family this year
And us last year-we have grown by 1 and my belly has shrunk a little too!
Madi and Daddy 2010
Madi and Daddy 2009

Tonight we took the girls to Zoo Boo and as usual it was so much fun. We were eating dinner when we got home and Madi said, "Mommy, that you for taking me to Zoo Boo tonight." She had a blast and got some great candy! We came home and worked on some pumpkins, I forgot to get a picture of Madi's (or should I say Daddy's) finished product, it's a princess castle. And tomorrow is finally the main event, Trick-or-Treating!!!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Madisyn just informed Dave and I that her boyfriend's name is Jeff. Dave asked her if Jeff knew that her daddy had alot of guns. She said that he did, "he goes hunting all the time.":) She said that since there is a storm coming that Jeff had to spend the night here and that he would leave after lunch time tomorrow. Then she proceeds to tell us that they were kissing! Where does this kid get this stuff??? We'll just hope that her boyfriends remain imaginary for a very long time:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

All in a week???

Miss Grace enjoying "real" food-she loves her bananas
This has nothing to do with Grace being 9 months old but it's worth including it anyway. Dave has had quite a week-he went in last Friday morning with a sore throat and was diagnosed with Strep Throat. By Friday night he had a huge lump on the underside of his neck/chin and was having trouble breathing so he went to the emergency room around midnight. By around 3am they were admitting him to ICU (and I was panicking). They got him on some aggressive antibiotics, steroids and pain meds and moved him to a regular floor on Saturday morning sometime and he was diagnosed with epiglotitis. He came home on Sunday morning and went to work on Monday, woke up Tuesday morning and the swelling was back so went back to the hospital, had a CAT scan and they decided he had developed an abscess due to infection from Strep Throat so he was scheduled for surgery Tuesday night to drain the abscess. He was able to come home Tuesday night and went to work Wednesday afternoon. Needless to say, it's been an exhausting week!

Yesterday our little Gracie girl turned 9 months old! So crazy how fast the time has gone. Grace had her check-up today and weighs 20 lbs. 10 oz (Madi was 24 lbs. 7oz) and is 29 1/4 inches long (Madi was 29). Grace gets into EVERYTHING. She is crawling all over the place and pulls herself up to standing and is a little climber! She says, mama, dada, Bear, yum yum, ma (Madi), waves (and says) bye-bye and barks & pants like a dog-it is adorable!
We are looking forward to a weekend of Halloween activities so be watching for pics-I'll give you a hint for our costumes..."There's no place like home."

Friday, October 15, 2010

It's been a while...

Daddy and his girls.
Man do I love these two little cuties!

Grace is now climbing on EVERYTHING!
And standing!
Madi still LOVES school and started Sunday school as well, she just can't get enough of it:)

Hard to believe it's been almost a month since I last posted anything and even harder to believe that Grandma Reed has been gone for almost a month already. Doesn't seem like we've been up to much lately yet I always feel like we're busy. Dave started his new job on the 4th of October so he's been working some long days as he gets in the swing of things there. Madi is still loving school and looks forward to Tuesdays, Thursdays and now Sundays for Sunday school. Grace is our little wild child; she is so much different than Madi was. Grace is adventerous and gets into EVERYTHING and climbs on EVERYTHING. She keeps me on my toes big time. Next week she will be 9 months old!! We're looking forward to some fun Halloween activities coming up in the next couple weeks so more exciting posts will come then:)