Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What have we been up to...

A little rolling, okay, ALOT of rolling...all over the house. Went in the kitchen the other day and came back into the living room to find Grace chewing on the leg of the coffee table-we really do feed the child.
A little napping-Dave will kill me for this one but it's too cute:)
A little treat eating
Another Breakfast on the Farm (I just realized it looks like Madi peed her pants here, I promise she didn't)
and...Some fireworks on the 4th (actually the 3rd) with Doug and Sarah
Has it really been almost a month since I last updated this? I guess there is not alot of excitement lately, just two totally adorable little girls but that's nothing new. I am enjoying my new job very much, I LOVE having more time at home and am feeling much less stress. Grace is growing about as fast as our grass has been lately with all the humidity and rain we've been getting-seems as though the weather has the same effect on her:) Madi is as busy as busy can be and is trying to decide on what type of birthday she'd like to have; so far she's come up with Barbie, Teddy Bear, Ocean and today "Beach," she wants to take everyone to the beach! We went to Toy Story 3 the other day, super cute movie and we'd like to go to the Milwaukee Zoo and a Brewer's game before the summer gets away from us, so much to do and so little time!

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