Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How do I love my little girl, let me count the ways...

Madi is just such a joy in my life, here are just a few of the MANY reasons I love her sooooooooo much. I love...
*Her chubby little thighs
*Her cute little nose
*Her beautiful blue eyes
*How she gets excited when I come home everyday
*How she gets her c and f sounds mixed up (fairies=cairies, farted=carted, for me=cor me, uncle=unfle)
*How she pats my back when I pick her up
*How she puts her hand on my cheek when we lay down
*How she acts just like me sometimes and it drives her dad crazy
*How she loves to wear my pink high heels around the house and she walks so well in them
*How she can be such a little drama queen
*How she always tries to push the limits, "just one more time"

1 comment:

Vicki Reed said...

Lexie, you & Dave are awesome parents!! Madi is so blessed to have you both. She truly is a loving little girl who cares about how others feel . . .like when her playmate fell down when she was dancing with him. She patted his head & said "don't cry". She cuddles her "babies" so lovingly & has lots of hugs for Bear & yes, even Remy despite how much she HATES his wet kisses.

She's been patting my head for over a year now with that sweet smile of hers.

Love, Vicki/Mom/Grandma