Monday, September 29, 2008


I've always known that Madisyn is a little spoiled but I guess I never knew the extent of it until this morning. We got to my mom's house this morning where there was a new outfit and a new coloring book waiting for Madi. She proceeded to check out her outfit and try to put it on and flipped through her coloring book a little bit. Pretty soon, she turns to my mom and says as clear as day, " what else you get me?" My mom and I could not stop laughing. My mom told her that she had gotten her a new outfit and a color book and Madi looks at her and says, "what else?" It was a great laugh to start out Monday morning:)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

2-Year Check Up

Madi had her 2 year check up yesterday and boy is she ever growing! She weighed 35lbs. and is 36in. tall!!! She really thought it was cool that she got to stand on the big scale this time instead of having to sit in the baby one; in fact, she wanted to "weigh self again." She had to get one shot but she did a great job; she only cried for a minute. After her appointment we went to the store and she got some princess shoes since she did such a great job:)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Madisyn

I just wanted to take a minute to say Happy Birthday to my little princess. I just can't believe that she is two already, where have the last couple years gone... I remember it like it was yesterday. I woke up very early the day Madi was born and was having some contractions. Dave and I couldn't sleep so we got up and Dave made us breakfast. The contractions went away for a while and I got ready and went to work. I was at work tyring to get things in order thinking today was finally the day and the contractions came back and I e-mailed my mom back and forth filling her in on what was going on and talked to Dave several times as well. Finally, around lunch time, the contractions were getting worse and everyone at work told me to go home, they didn't want my water breaking there:) So, I headed home and stopped by the bank first and was going to get a sub for lunch but just then I had a really bad contraction so I went home instead. I got home and laid in bed and did anything to keep myself comfortable. Dave called and I told him he really needed to come home now. So, he had someone from work drop him off and I've never seen him more frantic than he was that day. Finally we got it together and headed to the hospital. We got there shortly after 1:00 and I was most definitely in labor. We got situated in our room and the contractions continued and I asked if I could have something for them, not an epidural, but something. The nurse gave me something in my iv and as I was asking her how long it would take to go to work, I slumped over in Dave's arms...that was some gooooooooood stuff:) A few hours in the hospital and an hour pushing and Madisyn Kaci Reed was born at 5:53 pm on September 8, 2006. She weighed in at a whopping 9lbs. 6oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long and perfect in every way. I love our little girl more than words could every explain, she is the light of my life and I can't imagine how I functioned before she was born. Happy Birthday Madisyn, I love you!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We got it!!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that the offer we made on the house was accepted...we couldn't be happier. We should be moving into the new house and out of our house towards the end of October. Hooray for us:)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Snowing on Labor Day

Madi at the airport waiting to get on the airplane.
Madi and her new friends Lexie and Kennedy
Lexie, Dominick and Madi at the parade
The gang at the parade
Madi in the snow!!!

Well, it's Labor Day in Evanston, WY and it's snowing, yes, I said snowing!!! We took the kids to the parade this morning and luckily we were at the beginning of the parade route because before long the clouds rolled in and then came the rain, then the hail and now the snow....only in Evanston. We're having a fun trip so are a few pictures of our trip so far.