Thursday, May 15, 2008

Something New

Well, we're new to all this but we thought we'd try something different that might help us stay better connected with our friends and family! It's finally starting to feel like spring/summer here in Green Bay and we are sooooooooooo glad. It's been a long winter. Things with our little family are going well. Madi is growing like a weed and she turned 20 months on May 8th. It's hard to believe she is going to be 2 soon and I'm ashamed to say that I'm just finally putting together her 1st Birthday album;) I guess you could say we've been busy; I'll use that as my excuse anyway! We're still trying to sell our house and having no's getting very frustrating to say the least. I am still working for the YMCA (3 years in April) and Dave is still with Truck Equipment (3 years in May). We keep busy with work and Madi and spend every minute we can with her. There is no little brother or sister in Madi's future; we tell everyone that there are several criteria that we have to meet first...1. Madi must be potty trained. 2. We have to sell our house 3. Madi has to sleep all night, everynight, in her own bed! So, it's going to be a while before baby #2 comes along.

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