Dear little Gracie bug, Happy Birthday! Two years already since we welcomed you into our little family; seriously, where on earth did it go? I can't begin to explain to you what a joy you've been to our family and can't imagine my life without you. I love you so much. You are such a silly little girl and you can be such a little devil sometimes, but that's what we love about you. You are such an adventurous little thing, nothing gets in Gracie's way! And boy oh boy are you a tough little cookie; a new bump or bruise everyday usually as a result of one of your daring stunts:) Thank goodness for all your guardian angels up in heaven...they would all love your anitcs;) Here's a few things about my little girl so I can always remember what you were up to when you were two. Grace likes...fruit snacks, t.b. (tv), Barney, her babies, snow (and eating it), going outside, coloring with markers in places she shouldn't (her body, our couch, etc, etc.), the zoo (minus the rooster that tried to get her feet last time we were there; not really but that's how she tells it;) and life in general. Grace counts to 3, usually or will say, "one, two, one, two." When asked to say her ABC's she sometimes get the abc part out but always ends with, "w, x."

Thank you Gracie for bringing to much joy to my life and to everyone you know. Thank you for running up to me when I come to pick you up at Grandma's house and yelling excitedly, "Mommy," and giving my legs a big hug. Thank you for making me smile everyday, even on days when it would be hard otherwise. And, thank you God for making me her mommy, I am so blessed. Happy Birthday dear, sweet little Grace. I love you with all my heart.
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