Miss Grace enjoying "real" food-she loves her bananas

This has nothing to do with Grace being 9 months old but it's worth including it anyway. Dave has had quite a week-he went in last Friday morning with a sore throat and was diagnosed with Strep Throat. By Friday night he had a huge lump on the underside of his neck/chin and was having trouble breathing so he went to the emergency room around midnight. By around 3am they were admitting him to ICU (and I was panicking). They got him on some aggressive antibiotics, steroids and pain meds and moved him to a regular floor on Saturday morning sometime and he was diagnosed with epiglotitis. He came home on Sunday morning and went to work on Monday, woke up Tuesday morning and the swelling was back so went back to the hospital, had a CAT scan and they decided he had developed an abscess due to infection from Strep Throat so he was scheduled for surgery Tuesday night to drain the abscess. He was able to come home Tuesday night and went to work Wednesday afternoon. Needless to say, it's been an exhausting week!
Yesterday our little Gracie girl turned 9 months old! So crazy how fast the time has gone. Grace had her check-up today and weighs 20 lbs. 10 oz (Madi was 24 lbs. 7oz) and is 29 1/4 inches long (Madi was 29). Grace gets into EVERYTHING. She is crawling all over the place and pulls herself up to standing and is a little climber! She says, mama, dada, Bear, yum yum, ma (Madi), waves (and says) bye-bye and barks & pants like a dog-it is adorable!
We are looking forward to a weekend of Halloween activities so be watching for pics-I'll give you a hint for our costumes..."There's no place like home."
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