Total weight gain: I will find out Wednesday and I'm scared:)
Maternity clothes? Yep and even they are getting smaller and smaller by the day!
Stretch marks? Yes, probably some new and feels like my belly can't possibly get any bigger.
Sleep: Hasn't been too bad lately I guess.
Best moment this week: I had some Braxton Hicks contractions, reminds me that Gracie's birthday is getting sooo close!
Movement: Lots of movement lately.
Food cravings: Not really, trying to eat good and keep my blood sugars in check.
Gender: "Still a girl"
Labor Signs: A few Braxton Hicks contractions and lots of backaches.
What I miss: Being able to cross my legs!
What I am looking forward to: Going to the Dr. this week and seeing what she says about how far I'm measuring.
Weekly Wisdom: Nothing much, I am just so excited for this little lady to be here!
Milestones: 8 months down!
It's beautiful! Perfect!
So glad you had a Happy Birthday. We're so anxious to meet little Grace! We loved your Christmas card complete with your family picture, Madi's picture & especially Gracie's picture. I've shown everyone I meet that darling miracle's picture!!! Everyone is so amazed & touched by that picture of little Grace!
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