How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain: 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants but some regular shirts
Total weight gain: 5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants but some regular shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones, just the ones left over from when Madi was born:)
Sleep: If I sleep in Madi's bed and let her and her snoring dad have our bed I sleep fine:)
Sleep: If I sleep in Madi's bed and let her and her snoring dad have our bed I sleep fine:)
Best moment this week: Not related to pregnancy but going shopping with my mom, Madi and Grandma Reed, I had such a good day with them.
Movement: Not yet, waiting patiently though!
Food cravings: Hot wings & licorice.
Gender: 4 weeks from tomorrow we will find out if Madi will have a little brother or sister! Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: My morning walks, now it's too dark in the morning to go at 5am so we're going to get our bikes out and try that in the evenings instead.
What I am looking forward to: Going to the Dr. tomorrow and then again in 3 weeks to find out if the baby is a he or she!!! Also, Madi starting dance class and her and I going to our annual Sesame Street Live show!
Food cravings: Hot wings & licorice.
Gender: 4 weeks from tomorrow we will find out if Madi will have a little brother or sister! Labor Signs: Nope
What I miss: My morning walks, now it's too dark in the morning to go at 5am so we're going to get our bikes out and try that in the evenings instead.
What I am looking forward to: Going to the Dr. tomorrow and then again in 3 weeks to find out if the baby is a he or she!!! Also, Madi starting dance class and her and I going to our annual Sesame Street Live show!
Weekly Wisdom: Oh I wish I had some to share. I've been feeling pretty "unwise" and overwhelmed with life lately, between work and everything else I am wondering how I'll do it when I have two little ones...I think alot of it is the hormones; I heard a song on the radio the other day and started bawling like a baby.
Milestones: Making it into the 2nd trimester.
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