Happy Birthday to mybest friend Erika...Erika and I met in 1st grade and have been through alot together. I hooked her up with her hubby and her little girl is named after me. This is a picture from when we were roomies at UW; she'll probalby kill me if she sees it:) I miss her alot and wish we lived closer. Happy Birthday on the 27th!!!

Happy Birthday to my father-in-law on the 22nd! Thanks for sharing a great dinner and birthday cake with us on your birthday, hope your day was great!!!

Happy Birthday to my Granny on the 13th. This picture was taken quite a while ago and alot has changed since, including my weight and my hair length:) Happy Birthay Granny, we love you!

Happy Birthday to Dave's sister Laura on the 27th! We hope this year is a great year for you and this will be the year that all your dreams come true!
Also a big Happy Birthday to my friends Jen (on the 20th), Steph (on the 10th) and Lu (on the 27th). All of these girls are friends from the University of Wyoming and I'm really looking forward to seeing Jen and Steph at Steph's wedding in August! Happy Birthday month everyone!!!
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