Lately I have been struggling, struggling to make myself walk out the door each morning and go to work. This morning I had tears in my eyes when I left my mom's house. Why you ask? One word, Madisyn. In the past several weeks Madi has been having a hard time with mommy going to work; even before we ever leave our house each morning she is asking me to stay home with her. If she only knew how much I want that too, to spend more time with her is what I've wanted since the first day I went back to work after she was born and lately, it's eating me up inside. I'm not proud of the fact that I am jealous right now, but I am. I'm jealous that some moms get to stay home with their kids, just as my mom did. I just wish there was some way that I could stay home with Madi but financially it's just not an option for us. So, until I can figure out a solution to my current struggles, I'll keep enjoying every minute I do have with my little girl who is getting big too fast. Who wouldn't want to spend every waking moment with this happy little face.