Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wyatt's 3rd Birthday

We celebrated Wyatt's 3rd Birthday on July 1st with a construction theme party.  It was a beautiful night.  I asked Wyatt what his favorite thing at his birthday was and he shook his head "yes."   I think he had a good night too. 


Friday, July 1, 2016


Yesterday morning I had my follow up scan and was free to eat whatever I wanted and be a member of society again!  My scan went well.  Of course they aren't able to say anything about it but they did call radiology right away to have them take a quick peek to verify they did not need any more views/photos.  Radiology said they didn't need anything else which sounded promising (to me anyway).  So, now the scan will be read by radiology and sent to my endocrinologist and she will call with results, hopefully sooner than later.

As soon as I got in my car I took my thyroid medication which I've been off of since June 5th.  Even more than being able to eat normal again, I was SO ready to take them and hopefully get some energy back.  After one week of no medication your thyroid hormones are decreased by half, and after two weeks they are completely depleted.  This would explain why by the beginning of week 3 it was really starting to kick my butt.  Being in isolation last week was probably a blessing in disguise (aside from the obvious blessing of getting to spend time with my dad) because I really had no choice but to rest; it would've been a real challenge trying to function normally and keep up at home.  My sleep has been awful; I wake up so much throughout the night.  I have a hard time finding a good position for my hands now because they are constantly falling asleep at night and for some reason I jerk a lot when I'm trying to go to sleep which then wakes me up again.  Hoping that will all improve once I get my thyroid meds back in my system and my thyroid values back in the normal range.

After a stop at McDonalds for an iced coffee and Subway for a breakfast flatbread, I went back to my dads to do all the necessary "clean-up."  Laundry and bedding all had to be washed 2x and I cleaned the bathroom very well, as well as using disinfectant wipes on anything I had used/come in contact which was pretty minimal.  I surprised my girls by picking them up at summer school and we headed HOME!  My little man was asleep when we got there and when he woke up he had the biggest smile but I think he thought he was dreaming that I was there.  It was so sweet.  His birthday was on Wednesday and that was hard; not being there when he woke up that morning.  As they say, "no rest for the wicked," and things were back to our normal crazy shortly after I was home!  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit relieved when soccer was cancelled for the night due to weather.  Instead we went out and celebrated being able to eat normal food at Timeline Saloon (Docs), my favorite place to eat.  I had initially wanted pizza for my first normal meal, but opted for brisket with fries and beans.  SO good.  I seriously inhaled my dinner, it tasted so good.

Tonight we are celebrating Wyatt's birthday with a construction theme party.  I had most everything for his party prepared before my treatment so today is just a bit of decorating and a little house cleaning and we'll be good to go.  I went easy on the food and we ordered a party sub from Wal-Mart and bought mini bags of chips, etc.  I even ordered a cake but just had them frost it so I could decorate it (the guy looked at me like I was nuts when I ordered it).  Tomorrow we'll be off and running again.  We're planning to spend at least part of the long weekend at Dave's parent's house and will enjoy the beach tomorrow and fireworks tomorrow night.  Not exactly sure what the rest of the weekend will bring but we might end up at my sister's on Mobday evening for fireworks there and maybe dinner.

Enjoy your weekend!  It looks to be a beautiful one here!