Monday, April 20, 2015

Feeling Blessed

 Today I am blown away by the kindness of our fellow parishioner and am reminded why we love our church so very much. Madi received this card in the mail from the woman she had given her loaf of bread to last month (each child preparing for First Communion brings a loaf of bread to mass one weekend and gives it to someone they don't know, asking that person to pray for them as they prepare for First Communion). There are some pretty wonderful people out there!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Madisyn's First Communion-What a Blessed Weekend

Madisyn made her First Communion yesterday.  It was such a beautiful mass and our priest gave the best homily ever; he had all the kids (and everyone else) laughing.  Madi was asked to bring up the Chalice along with other kids who brought up all the items to help set the altar.  It was perfect in every way.  As Dave and I stood behind her as she received communion for the very first time; I got a lump in my throat and struggled to hold back the tears.  I am so proud of her.  Today we had brunch at our house to celebrate; it was a great day. 
 Headed into church!
 Madi with our priest, Father Dave.  He is great and we just love the parish we belong to. 
 Madi with Grandma and Grandpa Reed
 So proud of our beautiful girl
 Hattie looking super cool in her mama's shades
 Madi and Grandma Hoverson
 Madi and Grandpa & Grandma Hoverson
 Madi and her Godparents
 Godparents and Fr. Dave
 Our little family-I love how Grace has her arm around Wy in this picture
 And I love how in this one she's holding him; I didn't realize it at the time. 
 She's official
 The Reeds
 Party decorations

 Grandma Hoverson made another beautiful cake
 This girl was THRILLED with all the wonderful gifts she received and couldn't believe how much money she got!

 Thank you Grandma & Grandpa!
 Hugs from Great Grandma Welter
Madi and her beautiful cake
We also snuck in a little birthday celebration for Dave's dad who's birthday is on Wednesday.  The kids had fun helping Grandpa blow out his candles and were very happy to help enjoy his yummy birthday cake and ice cream.  Happy Birthday Jim/Grandpa!
 I missed the two oldest grandkids, Madi and Carter, in this one.
 Helping Grandpa blow out the candles.  Grandma grabbed a 0 instead of a 9 but Grandpa thought that was ok:)
 Wy and Grandpa are pretty good buddies

 I love this picture, both of them mid bite
Grandpa looking at the cards the kids made him

Monday, April 6, 2015

Camera Catch-Up

We've been MIA for a while again.  Here are a few pictures that have been on my camera for a while.  We haven't been up to much.  We've been getting about a week of nice weather and then a week of crummy weather:(  We really enjoy walking when we can but it's just not as often as we'd like...soon enough I suppose.  Here's a few pictures of the cute kids I spend my days with. 
 I found Wyatt in one of the twins' car seats, with their hat, and their pacifier.  What a guy. 
 Oh these two...
 Hannah was reading so nicely in the tunnel reading and then..... comes trouble
 BIG trouble!

Easter Weekend

We had a really nice Easter weekend.  Good Friday the kids were off of school so we attempted to make my mom's Easter bread...attempted being the key word.  It was a major fail.  I'm just not good at making bread.  Wyatt had fun playing in the flour and with the leftover raisins.  He ran his trucks through the flour and dumped raisins using measuring cups over and over again.

  Then we made Resurrection Rolls using crescent rolls (representing the cloths Jesus' body were wrapped in), butter (representing the oils they used on Jesus' body), cinnamon sugar (representing the different spices), and marshmallows (representing Jesus' body).  I read the kids the story of Jesus' death as they made the rolls.  They dipped the marshmallows in butter, then the cinnamon sugar, and finally wrapped them in the crescent rolls.  We put them in the oven (the tomb) and when they came out, the marshmallow was gone, just like Jesus when Jesus rose on Easter.  It was a really neat way to put it in terms they understood. 

When Dave got home it was FINALLY time to dye Easter eggs.  Grace had been asking me ALL.DAY.LONG. if it was time to dye them yet.  So, when Dave got home, I was happy to oblige. 

Saturday morning we met Doug, Sarah, the twins, and Kaci for breakfast before the "Eggstravaganzoo" at our local zoo.  The kids had so much fun and got lots of good candy!
 Hattie ran right up to all the mascots and was ready to give them hugs and kisses:)
 Two cute little twin bums:)  Finding their eggs:)
 My boy

 Goat kisses, lol

 My boys

This is how close my kids would get to the Easter Bunny.  Madi would sit on his lap but the other two wouldn't.  Oh well. 
After we left the Zoo we went and visited my mom and dad for a while before we headed to another egg hunt and one of the parks here in Pulaski.  Everyone was worn out by then so we relaxed the rest of the day.  It was such a fun day. 
 Go Gracie Go!

Sunday morning we had to wake poor Wyatt up because the girls were so excited to check out their Easter baskets.  He was snoring away when we all went in his room:)   We went to 8:00 mass then came home and got some things ready before heading to my mom & dad's house where we had dinner, a small egg hunt for the kids, and the kids got Easter baskets from Grandpa & Grandma.  My dad smoked a ham for dinner in the new smoker we all got him for his birthday.  It was SOOOO good.  It was a blessed day for sure!
 Sleepy eyed boy got a tractor!
 Undies for Easter, really?
 Subway card:)

 Daddy even got a basket
 His glass says, "I'm Old Fashioned,"  one of his favorite drinks:)
 Cousin fun at Grandma & Grandpa Hoverson's house
 Wy & Hannah
 Blessed to have all these people in my life
 Egg hunting!
Checking out what's in their eggs!