Tuesday, January 28, 2014


We celebrated Grace's 4th birthday on January 18th with a football party, Packers vs Steelers.  Strange for a 4 year old girl, I know, but it's what Grace has wanted for MONTHS.  As usual, it was a great day and the kids had so much fun playing.  Here's a peek at the fun:)

 Kids table
My little crazies before the party
 Wy man sporting his Roethlisberger jersey
I was the referee:)  Not much different than every other day;)
 My jello football field
 Wyatt with Grandpa Reed
 The Reed men
 Grace's awesome birthday cake.  Grandma Hoverson never ceases to amaze us!
 She got all kinds of awesome Frozen stuff for her birthday!
 She was so excited to have her very own diary!
 Uncle Paul put Wyatt right to sleep.
 Granny with Hannie:)
 Papa and Hattie
 Grace with Grandma, the cake maker!
Beautiful Birthday Girl

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Grace Lori

Happy Birthday to our most precious Gracie Lori!  Can it really be that 4 years have gone by since we first held you in our arms.  You are such a joy to have in our family and you bring sunshine to each and every day.  You may not always be graceful, but your heart is most definitely full of Grace.  I thought the quote under your picture was written just for you.  Every day with you is a new adventure and we look forward to seeing what you will come up with on each new day!  You have a heart of gold and a head full of mischief:)  It breaks my heart that you will be going to school soon; you just shouldn't be that old yet!  We love you with all our hearts Gracie bug.  Thanks for being you kiddo, happy birthday! 

This morning when Grace got up (at 5am!)  I told her happy birthday right away.  She cheerfully said, "I'm this many now (holding up 4 fingers).  Now I can go on Madi's top bunk cause I'm 4 now."  What a girl she is!  She chose to go out to McDonalds for a birthday breakfast and informed me that she'd like to go there for lunch too:) Here are her answers to this year's birthday questionnaire. 

What is your name?  Grace (she says "Dace")
How old are you?  Holds up 4 fingers
What is your favorite color?  Purple and blue
Who is your best friend?  Rachel (a girl in her Sunday school class)
What is your favorite animal?  Giraffe
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A doctor
What is your favorite TV show and/or movie?  Dora/Minions
What is your favorite book?  Dora book
What makes you happy?  Packers
What makes you sad?  Drams
What is your favorite food to eat?  Macaroni
What is your favorite song to sing?  Let it Go (song from the movie Frozen)
What games do you like to play?  Blockhead game (and other games on the iPad)