Thursday, May 19, 2011


*Madisyn asked me if I was a Grandma to anyone. I told her, no, I wouldn't be a Grandma until her or Gracie had a baby which wouldn't be for a VERY long time. She asked, "then you'll be old?" I told her yes, I would be older then to which she replied, "will you be really old like Ga?" So funny considering somtimes my mom is mistaken for their mom instead of their Grandma!

*After Grandpa Reed passed away his little dog Willie came to live with us. Madi has since started calling him Willie John Reed (Grandpa's name was John). Makes me smile everytime!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What a difference a month makes...

It's been over a month since I last blogged. I have sat down several times with good intentions but just haven't gotten it done-I did manage to change my background design one day at least. The past month has been....well, it's been a month here's a little recap in pictures.

We had a nice Easter. Dave's brother and his family came down and spent Friday & Saturday nights with us so the kids could all do the Easter egg hunts together. They had so much fun. Sunday we all went to church then to brunch with Dave's family. My dad was gone at work but we stopped by to visit my mom in the evening for a while. It was a very nice day.

On May 3 we lost Grandpa Reed to lung cancer. Although we know he is happy in heaven with Grandma, we miss him so much and it's still hard to believe he's gone. I find myself thinking about calling him to come over for dinner or taking him a treat I've made. I'm so thankful for the time we had with him and for the special bond my girls had with him. We now have his little dog Willie with us so we have a constant reminder of Grandpa & Grandma running around our house:)
I had an awesome Mother's Day. The weather was so beautiful! Dave made me breakfast and got me a newspaper and we just relaxed for the morning. We went to lunch at my parent's house which my dad made and it was delicious. I got spoiled as usual. I'm so thankful for the two little cuties who made it possible for me to be a mom:)

Today was Sarah's bridal shower/bachelorette party. She is so cute and I am so happy to have her as part of our family; I seriously couldn't ask for a better sis-in-law.

Here is the bridal party at dinner. Madi is the flower girl and Grace is a miniture bridesmaid and I get to walk with her-I will definitely have the cutest partner at the wedding:)