Sunday, August 22, 2010

Beach Bums

Grace and I on her 1st boat ride, she loved it
(even though it may not look that way from the picture:)
My babies
Does this kid look happy or what???
Madi with the fish she caught, the look on her face is priceless; she was scared of it...go figure!
Our Godson Carter enjoying his treat from Uncle Dave:)
We had a great weekend with our cute little Godson, oh, and his mom and dad too of course at their cottage. We spent Saturday afternoon at the beach then enjoyed dinner with them and a campfire. Sunday we all went to church and out to breakfast at everyone's favorite "Up North" restaurant, the "Blue Place" and finished off our wekend with another trip to the beach and a little boating. Our girls (and Dave and I) are worn out and will surely sleep good tonight (we can dream right?) Have a great week!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Packer season has begun!

Me and my Gracie girl! Madi had to take a picture and I thought she didn't do too bad:) I have to support my fellow Evanston High School graduate and current Packer player, Brady Poppinga or, as Madi says, Brady Flaminga:)
Madi all decked out!
Grace in her onesie from Ga and Papa-for those of you who don't get it, it's Curly Lambeau, as in Lambeau field.
My two favorite little ladies!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Botanical Gardens

Grace and Papa
My two little cuties
Madi and Ga
Madi by the Fairy Garden
Grace enjoying the ride
Today we spent the afternoon with my mom and dad at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens. It was a beautiful day to go along with all the beautiful flowers. Thanks mom and dad for a great afternoon!