Friday, February 26, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

Grace was sleeping on the couch today and Madi climbed up next to her and fell asleep. It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen; it's not often that they're asleep at the same time so it was a great treat for Mommy. I love my girls!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bad Blogger

This is a pretty regular picture in our house lately; Daddy comes home from work and he takes the girls while I attempt to get a few things done around the house and this is usually how they end up.
Here is my most recent picture of Miss Gracie. Since I slacked off and forgot to take a picture of her on her 1 month birthday, this is as close as we're gonna get, only one day late. She is a growing girl and when I weighed myself then weighed myself with her she was at 12 lbs. already!!! No wonder I feel like sometimes all I do is feed her, I do!
Here is my pretty baby the day before Valentine's day. I don't have a picture of both the girls together but they looked so pretty on Valentine's day, all decked out in their red dresses for our Valentine "party" at Ga and Papa's house.
Gracie has had a busy month meeting lots of new people. Here she and Madi are with Uncle Paul, Auntie Erin and Cousin Carter.
Here is Gracie meeting Great Grandma Welter too. She also finally got to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa Reed this past weekend. They've been in Arizona and we're so happy that they're finally home.

I have been slacking big time on blogging. I had this grand plan that I would be able to blog regularly being home on maternity leave; obviously that is not happening. When one girl is content the other needs something leaving very little spare time. The past month has flown by and I am DREADING going back to work in a month. Hopefully some of our prayers will be answered and someday staying home with my babies will be possible. We are working on getting Madi signed up for pre-school in the fall and her and I are going to check out one of the schools on Thursday, she is super excited. Madi has an ear infection:( We took her to the Dr. yesterday and she is already feeling much better after getting some medicine in her. Dave is surviving; work is really taking it's toll on him lately leaving him very stressed. He leaves home at 5:30 in the morning and gets home at about 5:30 in the evening. It makes for some long days for all of us. I am working on plans for Dave's Grandpa Reed's 80th birthday party this Saturday at our home. It's a suprise party but I know I'm safe talking about it on her as he wants nothing to do with the computer:) That's about all that's going on with us right now, I will try to be better about updating our blog more often!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Two Week Stats

Miss Grace turned 2 weeks old on Wednesday and had her 2-week check-up. Here are her stats and a few things about our Gracie girl.
*Weighed in at 9lbs. 3oz. at two weeks (her actual due date); still not as much as big sister when she was born! She is in the 82nd percentile.
*Was 22 1/4 inches at two weeks, 98th percentile; she is going to be one tall little girl!
*Grace likes to go through 2-3 diapers at each changing, she takes a long time to get her business done:)
*You can tell when Grace is working at messing her pants, she squints her eyes, her nostrils flare and she makes an "O" with her mouth.
*Grace is eating every 3-4 hours but set a record last night and slept 5 1/2 hours.
*Grace has the hiccups ALL the time and she sneezes alot too
*She is VERY stubborn when you try to burp her
*She is the sweetest little girl and the perfect addition to our family!
Here is Madi at her dance class striking a pose:) Miss Madisyn is doing such an awesome job at being big sister! She is such an awesome helper and gets the diapers and wipes ready when it's time to change Grace. She also throws the diapers away when we're done and likes to help un-button Grace's onesies and pj's. She will help hold the bottle when Grace is bottlefed for a minute but usually gets bored pretty quickly; same goes for helping to burp her:) When we were at the doctor the other day Madi informed the nurse that Grace's umbilical cord had fallen off. The nurse was impressed that she knew such a big word; we'll just say that Madi asks ALOT of questions about everything these days. So far Madi doesn't want to return Gracie or anything so that is a good thing:) We LOVE our two little girls dearly and can't imagine life without either of them!