Friday, June 27, 2008

Can't Get Enough of Bay Beach

Happy Little Bug

So Happy to be on the "Up and Down"
Madi and Mommy on the helicopters

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Madi & Mommy's afternoon at Bay Beach

My little bug:)
Riding the puppy
The picture is blurry but the scowl on her face is still there

I had the afternoon off of work so Madi and I spent it at Bay Beach. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. Madi felt more comfortable on the rides this time so she decided she would try to stand up on the boats...this is after I had to tell her no:)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

Madi helping Daddy open his present
"Great" Grandpa Reed with his new birdhouse
Madi sharing Grandpa Reed's present with him
Madi helping Papa Hoverson open his present

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Madi and the "Up & Down"

Look Mommy

Daddy's Girl On the Packer's horse
Madisyn LOVES the "up & down" as she so lovingly refers to it! I think she would've ridden it all day if we would've let her.

A day at Bay Beach

Madi on her sneezing pony
Oh my gosh!!!
Miss Cool
Double duty
Tough Chick
We had a GORGEOUS day at Bay Beach today and Madi had a did Mommy & Daddy:)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

More fun on the farm

Daddy and Madi by the tractor
Farmer Madi
Get outa my way!!
We even got some ice cream!!!
And topped it all off with a ride back to the car!

Breakfast on the Farm

Madi and Mommy at the farm
Mommy, wanna try my cheese curd?
Checkin' out the pigs
...and the cows
And she even got to pet one!