Yes, that's us; we've been missing in action from the blog world. I
think about our blog often and know I need to be better about posting since I'm not really the scrapbooking type and I want to have this for the girls. So...I will do my best to keep up on it a little bit better:) So, what have we been up to??? I'll fill you in!
Being the best man in my little brother's wedding. He did a great job-so glad that the two of them get along so well. Like Dave said in his speech, Doug is his "brother from another mother."

Building this massive shed. In all reality I should've put up all pictures of this shed since it is consuming Dave's life. This "little" project began Memorial Day weekend and is yet to be finished. Maybe by Labor Day???

Spending LOTS of $ at Menards for this little shed project! Yes, this is our receipt from one trip!

Having a wonderful time at Doug & Sarah's wedding. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! It was so much fun (minus my kids being naughty) and it was soooo good to see friends and family who came. Couldn't ask for a better sis-in-law!

Catching up with old friends at my 10 year high school reunion! Man do I feel old:) It was so good to see some of my old friends who I miss dearly. Apparently people in Wyoming don't drink beverages that contain lemonade; two different occasions I was looked at like I was nuts:)

Holding cute Miss Ellie George! What a doll she is! I took a solo trip to Wyoming to meet Ellie (and visit the rest of the George family too) and go to my class reunion. It was great to see them and it might have made me a little baby hungry-then I came home and remembered that I have a hard enough time controlling the two I have and I snapped out of it:)

Riding camels with Auntie Kaci at the Milwaukee Zoo. The day before I left for Wyoming we took a trip to the Milwaukee Zoo; it was a beautiful day and we had so much fun!

Going to the zoo here with her friend Hailey. They haven't gotten to play since the end of preschool so they were very happy to see eachother. I overheard Hailey tell Madi in the backseat, "I missed you Madisyn." So cute:) Madi also went to summer school for two weeks. She had fun, minus when she had to leave mom each morning.

Kicking butt at soccer. Now that Madi will finally get out on the field and play she is quite the soccer player. She has two goals under her belt; one for her team and one for the opponent:)Grace:

Being the cutest little one year old I know. Actually, tomorrow she will be a year and a half!!! Where does the time go?

Loving being able to play outside. She would stay outside 24 hours a day if you let her. Here she is after taking a drink from her water table; she also likes to climb in it and use it for her swimming pool!

Enjoying some ice cream. How one little girl can make such a mess with everything amazes me every time she eats:) Grace is the most adventerous and crazy little girl I have ever met.
Well, that's our summer so far in a nutshell. I will try to be a better blogger:)