How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain: This question wasn't such a good one afterall, my last Dr. appointment left me feeling very depressed about this:(
Maternity clothes? Absolutely, my shirts are getting shorter and shorter though!
Stretch marks? Not sure if there's any new ones but I still have the ones from Madi.
Sleep: What's sleep?
Best moment this week: Getting our 3D ultra sound at our last Dr. appointment!
Movement: Grace moves alot and does not like it if I lean up against my desk with my belly.
Food cravings: I wanted a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger from Weindy's yesterday but I did control myself and drove past:)
Gender: "Still a girl" as our ultrasound tech said last week. Thank goodness, I don't think a little boy would be thrilled with a purple room!
Labor Signs: Lots of bachaches lately. I'm very paranoid now; one lady told me she was due in February and had her baby in December and another lady told me her second baby was 8 weeks early!
What I miss: Sleep and not waddling.
What I am looking forward to: This Saturday Madi and I are going to Sesame Street Live. This will be our 3rd year and I'm really looking forward to a Madi/Mommy day.
Weekly Wisdom: Grace is the size of a Chinese Cabbage (?) this week, weighing roughly 2.5 lbs and about 15 inches long (this is average, I'm willing to bet that my daughter may be a little above average:)
Milestones: We have made it to the 3rd trimester and now begin going to the Dr. every 2 weeks!