Just a couple things I wanted to write before I forget them. This morning Madi was cold when she got up so I put out a blanket on the couch. Instead of just covering her up with the blanket though, I folded it in half so she could lay on one half and the other half could cover her (our couch is cold in the morning so she couldn't just lay on the couch:) Anyways, after I covered her with the top part she said, "Mommy, I look like a taco" and proceeded to start giggling. She is so funny and just has the greatest sense of humor, I just love this kid:)
The other day I was complaining about my car which is having some issues right now and I said to Madi, "Mommy's car is such a piece of junk!" Madi replied, "maybe you should get a ban (van) or something, when Gracie is born." She thinks my mom & dad's van is very cool so she wants us to have one too:) By the way, my car will be getting fixed this weekend by my lovely husband:) It will be getting new hub, intake gasket, some bracket thing (very technical, I know) and some part for the steering...makes me feel pretty good about the fact that I've been driving it around like this for how long!
Last night Gracie was moving alot so I layed down on the couch, hoping that Madi would be able to see the movement. Madi started singing and talking to Gracie and Gracie gave this HUGE kick and moved my stomach big time, it was definitely the largest movment so far. Unfortunately Madi couldn't sit still long enough to see the movement but I just love how Grace responds to Madi's voice already; I think they're going to be great friends. Last night was also the first night Dave was able to feel Gracie moving too. She must know I'm writing about her cause she just started moving right now:)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Our First Brewer's Game
We had a great day to day at our first Brewer Game. We got tickets through the Y so we got to ride in a charter bus down to Milwaukee. Madi thought the bus ride was great. We had a really fun day and look forward to going back again next year and taking Gracie back to actually see the game:)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
20 Weeks-Halfway!!!
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain: 10 lbs. or so
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants but some regular shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones, just the ones left over from when Madi was born:)
Sleep: Well we got Madi out of our bed but now I've been ending up in her bed, I may as well give up on getting any sleep for the next 2 years or so.
Best moment this week: Just this morning Madi was laying on my lap singing to baby...I can't wait to see them together!
Movement: Every once in a while; she sits on one side of my stomach ALL the time
Food cravings: Spicy food and tuna fish
Gender: It's a girl!!! Grace Lori Reed
Labor Signs: Nope but she sits so low sometimes, making it very uncomfortable for me. I feel like I'm waddling already:)
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: Getting Grace's crib bedding in the mail so we can start on her nursery! It should be here tomorrow!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Always make sure that Madi never feels jealous or like she's taken a backseat to Grace.
Milestones: We're halfway, if not more, through this pregnancy already!
Total weight gain: 10 lbs. or so
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants but some regular shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones, just the ones left over from when Madi was born:)
Sleep: Well we got Madi out of our bed but now I've been ending up in her bed, I may as well give up on getting any sleep for the next 2 years or so.
Best moment this week: Just this morning Madi was laying on my lap singing to baby...I can't wait to see them together!
Movement: Every once in a while; she sits on one side of my stomach ALL the time
Food cravings: Spicy food and tuna fish
Gender: It's a girl!!! Grace Lori Reed
Labor Signs: Nope but she sits so low sometimes, making it very uncomfortable for me. I feel like I'm waddling already:)
What I miss: Sleep
What I am looking forward to: Getting Grace's crib bedding in the mail so we can start on her nursery! It should be here tomorrow!!!
Weekly Wisdom: Always make sure that Madi never feels jealous or like she's taken a backseat to Grace.
Milestones: We're halfway, if not more, through this pregnancy already!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The little things in life...
Today I made Madi some Princess soup, chicken noodle soup with princess shaped noodles, for lunch. She was chowing away when she said to me, "this is really delicious, you are a really good cooker mom." She is so good for my self-esteem:)
Update: So, just as quickly as she makes me feel great about myself she tells me, "mom your eyes don't look good." I asked her why not and she said because I have makeup on them. I personally thought makeup made me look better, not Madi I guess:)
Update: So, just as quickly as she makes me feel great about myself she tells me, "mom your eyes don't look good." I asked her why not and she said because I have makeup on them. I personally thought makeup made me look better, not Madi I guess:)
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It's a...
GIRL!!! That's right, David is going to have his hands full with 3 women in the house:) Madi knew all along that it was a girl and Mommy, Great Grandma and Uncle Luis were all wrong! Little Grace is already in the 95th percentile for her weight so I think we're going to have another big girl on our hands!!! She weighs in at a whopping 12oz already:) We are so happy and can't wait to meet our little Gracie girl in February. The dr. said judging by the measurments taken during the ultrasound that she is measuring 1 week & 2 days earlier than my expected due date but that they won't change the due date because most mom's don't go until their due date with their 2nd babies anyway. That would put her birthday at the end of January. I will try and put up some ultrasound pics later but now I need to go put my feet up; I wore heels today and am really regretting it:)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
3 Year Old Stats
Yesterday Madisyn had her 3 year well check. She weighed in at 42.1 lbs which puts her in the 95th percentile for weight and 39 inches putting her in the 90th percentile for height! She is getting so big. She did great at her Dr. appt. and wont have to go back again until next year as long as we have another healthy winter. She informed the Dr. that she has blue baby butterflies in her tummy. She's been saying this since we found out I was pregnant:) It's so cute. She can also get a new car seat as she is big enough for a booster now.
On a different note, Madi informed me that she had a dream that mommy was going to have TWO babies!!! I hope she's not right:)
On a different note, Madi informed me that she had a dream that mommy was going to have TWO babies!!! I hope she's not right:)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Birthday to my amazing little girl
Happy Birthday to my baby girl. This is my favorite picture of Madi, taken when she was just a day old...I can't believe it's been 3 years already:(
I woke up very early the day Madi was born and was having some contractions. Dave and I couldn't sleep so we got up and Dave made us breakfast. The contractions went away for a while and I got ready and went to work. I was at work tyring to get things in order thinking today was finally the day and the contractions came back and I e-mailed my mom back and forth filling her in on what was going on and talked to Dave several times as well. Finally, around lunch time, the contractions were getting worse and everyone at work told me to go home, they didn't want my water breaking there:) So, I headed home and stopped by the bank first and was going to get a sub for lunch but just then I had a really bad contraction so I went home instead. I got home and laid in bed and did anything to keep myself comfortable. Dave called and I told him he really needed to come home now. So, he had someone from work drop him off and I've never seen him more frantic than he was that day. Finally we got it together and headed to the hospital. We got there shortly after 1:00 and I was most definitely in labor and halfway dilated. We got situated in our room and the contractions continued and I asked if I could have something for them, not an epidural, but something. The nurse gave me something in my iv and as I was asking her how long it would take to go to work, I slumped over in Dave's arms...that was some gooooooooood stuff:) A few hours in the hospital and an hour pushing and Madisyn Kaci Reed was born at 5:53 pm on September 8, 2006. She weighed in at a whopping 9lbs. 6oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long and perfect in every way.

I'm having a hard time today with Madi turning 3. I'm sure part of it is the hormones from being pregnant again but the thought of it just makes me sad. She is getting too big too fast and I hate it. I just wish she could stay little forever. I just want my precious little girl to know that I love her more than words can say and I can't imagine my life without her. She will ALWAYS be my baby and the day she was born will always be one of the greatest days of my life. I love you so much Madisyn , Happy Birthday to my little princess.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Madi's Candyland Party
Madi had an awesome birthday party on the 6th and we couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day. As usual she got spoiled but boy did she have fun. Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate and a BIG thanks to Ga and Papa for making Madi's party so special and for letting us have the party at your house. I'm still having a hard time believing my baby is going to be 3 tomorrow, more on that later though; today we're headed to Bay Beach for some more birthday fun. Every 3 year old needs 3 days of birthday right???
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The Mind of Madi
This is Dave's Grandma with Madi the day after she was born. The last couple days Grandma Reed has been in the hospital. I was trying to explain to Madi that Grandma was in the hospital and she said to me, "is Grandma-Great having another baby?" I thought that was so cute and I know it would bring a smile to Grandma's face. Please say an extra prayer for Grandma Reed for us.
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