March is a very busy month for birthdays in our families. We just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone with a March birthday a very very Happy Birthday. We love you all!

Happy Birthday to Dave's "big" brother Paul picture here with his wife Erin. His birthday was on the 6th. Hope you had a great day! We can't meet to meet little Mr. Reed due 6/1/09.

Happy Birthday to my dad on the 28th...too bad he won't be home to celebrate...he's in Texas for work. We miss you dad (aka Papa)

Happy Birthday to Dave's mom on the 13th! We celebrated early since they were on a cruise for her real birthday; not a bad way to spend a birthday:)

Happy Birthday Mini Me!!! This is my best friend Erika's daughter, Lexie. She turned 4 on the 20th. Hard to believe I was there 4 years ago waiting (a long time) for her to be born. I flew back to Wyoming for the occasion. Wish we could've been at the party!

Happy Birthday Grandpa Reed on the 1st! This picture was taken last year; they were gone to Arizona this year for this big day. We're so happy to have them home now though.