Well, today I turn the big 26...watch out 30, here I come! I've had some great and some not so great birthdays throughout the years (mostly great for sure). Here are some of the best, and the worst...

This is me with my beautiful mom who went through 36 hours of labor to get me here...she's the best. Sometimes I think she may have wished my labor with Madi would've been a little longer as a payback for my 1 1/2 day enterance to this world:) I love her so much.

This was one of my birthday parties in elementary school, notice I'm sporting the New Kids on the Block t-shirt:) and my brother was out bothering us...some things never change. This was the typical girl sleepover birthday party complete with fights and maybe even some crying if I remember right.

This is our "blood red van" as we always called it. On this day in 1998 I used this vehicle to become an officially licensed driver!

Here I am fresh out of the oven, December 11, 1982-Dickinson, ND

This was my birthday present in 2004-I graduated from the University of Wyoming with a bachelor of science in Kinesiology and Health Promotion. My family and Dave's family were all there to celebrate with me, it was a great day! After graduation we all went to eat at Wingers, one of our favorite restaurants in Laramie where my dad had the waiter bring me dessert and sing happy birthday to me; someday I'll get to pay him back for that...I still haven't forgotten:)
2000-Not such a good year. I was a junior in high school and my boyfriend's mom passed away and her funeral was on my birthday. It was a very, very sad birthday.
2003-I turned 21 in 2003 and although Dave and I were not an "official" couple yet, he made my birthday one to remember. All of my friends and I were planning on going out to eat on my birthday. Dave was scheduled to work that night and was very disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to make it to dinner since he was trying to win my heart at the time:) Well, we're at the restaurant and who walks in, Dave of course. It turns out he called in to work and told his boss he was in jail and was using his one phone call to let him know he wouldn't be at work that night...if that's not romantic then I don't know what is:) Then, he gave me my favorite movie, A Christmas Story as my birthday gift and took me out for drinks that night even though he was only 19 at the time!!!