This whole home buying/selling road has been such a long one for us and just as we finally start to feel like the end of the road is in sight we hit a pothole leaving me feeling like a flat tire. We're all set to move out of our house this weekend and we get a call on Thursday that the gentleman who is buying our house can't get the final go ahead on his loan because we have a shared a driveway. What!?!?!? The fact that we have a shared driveway was disclosed from the very beginning and if you look at the house, it's no secret. Well, now a lawyer has to draw up some papers and we have to sign and our neighbor has to sign and yada, yada, yada. I'm just feeling so frustrated that this is coming up less than a week before we close on the house. Everyone keeps saying everything is fine and we're closing on the house just as planned next Wednesday but I'm just so stressed about it all. Please keep us in your prayers right now because we could really use it:)