So we've had ALOT going on in our lives lately. This is the house that we are making an offer on. We looked at it on Monday night and fell in love with it right away. We tried not to let our emotions get the best of us so we said we wanted to hold off on making an offer. After a few days of going back and forth and deciding we couldn't afford it but we could if we made some adjustments, we decided to make an offer. This house is amazing and it is exactly what Dave and I want and it would be awesome for Madi. We may not know for a week if our offer has been accepted or not because the house is bank-owned. But, things are looking up for us and if all goes well, we should be out of our house and hopefully in this house by the end of October!!! I am so excited and I'm already planning how I will decorate it:) We are headed out to Wyoming on Saturday for a week long vacation. I think this vacation is going to be great for us; we've been really stressed out lately with all the house stuff.